Hello dear visitor, we all like to see blockbusters right? You know big canvas movies on giant silver screens, made with humongous budget. But these worlds of film magic, often feels distant, the possibilities look thin, the options look blur. We, at AI Film Wizards are trying to create the same level of audio visual presentation with ridiculously restricted resources. We think that in this day&age, with the advancement of technology, if worked hard, anybody can make movies that are of industry standards. Ofcourse, right now, we are of no match to the film production giants and professionals, the reasons are obvious, they spend millions of money not just to show off, but it results into some mind boggling cinematic experiences. On the other hand, what we are interested in is that, without such huge production facilities, without those mind-blowing sets, without any industry leading vfx providers, without any industry standard studio and film making facilities, how far, with the limited resources, can we push ourselves to create cinematic experiences worth remembering. Because we know, that if we can, then, anybody can... :-)
Hence keep supporting us by subscribing to our YouTube channel AI film wizards https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqnYGINt2fNOZrGCD8AGDiw? and stay tuned for the upcoming humble endeavours.